Wow, can't believe how fast the summer has gone by. Since I have not posted on the blog for such a long time, you can obviously tell that it has been a busy summer! It has been a good summer though. Cindy, Cade, Cael, and Maren, and Tamra and Hunter stayed with us part of the time this summer. It was so fun to have them here! After they all left we drove to Kansas to check out the girls' new homes. Kristin and Cindy live about five minutes away from each other. Also we stopped at Tamra's in Park City on the way. Reed had not seen their new home yet. I had to laugh and told Reed, okay.... after having kids here for a couple months.... where are we going? To see kids! What can we say.... we love our kids and grandkids and that's what's really important to us. We actually hadn't seen Kristin and family for quite some time. Anyway we had a good trip and it was nice to see the girls situated in their homes. On Oct. 3rd, we fly to Texas to see Scott and family. As always, we love having Lisa and Brian close, so that makes it nice to be able to see them often.