Here's a photo of Scott and Jane's little Talia. Obviously it was taken at Christmas time. Gee, I need some updated photos! She is over eight pounds now and doing very well.
Watch for photos of our new little granddaughter Talia (Scott and Jane's). I'm out of town now and don't have her photos in my camera so I can't post them right now. She is doing well and probably weighs a little over seven pounds now.
Well, it has been a long time since I have blogged. My how time flies when you're having fun!!! In October, Hunter stayed with us for awhile while Tamra and Barry were out of town for a couple of weeks. Then the day after Christmas I flew out to Kansas to spend a couple weeks with Cindy and kids while Chase was deployed. Of course it was an added bonus to have Kristin and family only about a five minute drive from Cindy. It was fun to be able to spend some time with all of them! (Okay, these pictures are a little mixed up but if I take the time to get them all in order, this post may not happen... I'll do better next time! The first three are Hunter, then Lincoln, then Isabel and Ansel (Kristin's). The next three... Maren, Cade and Cael (Cindy's) then Isabel, Ansel, and Lincoln.)