Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Granny Nanny...

Last week I made a quick trip to Utah to help take care of Hunter.  I was there Monday through Friday.  Barry was out of town and Tamra had an overnight business trip.  Of course, you know they really had to twist my arm to get me to come.  It was really fun to see how much Hunter had changed since July.  He is quite the go-getter now and is always so happy!  An added bonus was when Kristin, Isabel, and Ansel came up for a day.  What can I say, we sure have cute grandkids and they all have such incredible personalities....we love them to death!!!  


Anonymous said...

Hello???? You never post without a picture!!! Do you not know the rules! :)

tamra said...

thanks again for coming! we are glad we were able to spend part of your birthday with you! Hunter loves his grandma!!! we are thrilled you will be here for his 1 birthday!!!!! C U SOON! Love you guys!